I know that many read this blog strictly to learn how I am doing. I have not updated my condition since I announced that my left eye was blind for a few days. So let me update you to all that is going on in my life. (The picture is of the ceiling of the main meeting room at Meditation Mount.)
My eye is probably as good as it's going to get. I still have a couple small spots of blindness. It seems to come and go. They are about the size of the center of this a. My eyes have adjusted to this. I do have some trouble when reading with only that eye and occasionally it can be light sensitive.
My job situation is still the same. Lots of applications and resumes. My finances are still a major issue, but I'm doing what I can to find a job. Living from the heart is not for everyone and hasn't always been easy for me. And for those who wonder--no, I don't regret having retired or the loss of income. Ok, maybe at the moment I miss the income, but I wouldn't change it I had to do it over again. My life is so much more satisfying. Deep down, at the soul level, satisfying.
If you read the "That Which I am About" post then you know that I have an agenda set before me. I am working on me. I have tried to share some of the processing I have done. Yet must admit that there's significant processing that I have done that I have not shared. It is difficult to explain some of it, and some it I choose to keep private. Perhaps it will one day be in a book. lol.
Speaking of books, last week I checked out CreateSpace which is associated with Amazon.com. I learned I can self publish my book for as little as $300. The book would be available electronically or a hard copy can be printed on demand. They often a high level of assistance from editing to layout and design. Even including artwork. Of course the fees go up for that. The $300 is for a book ready to be printed. Which I'm working on.
Yep, you read correctly. I am working on the book. (Yes, I know what God said in the writing I shared in the previous post but I felt it was time.) I started editing. At the same time, I am typesetting the book. This is in preparation for the previously mentioned self publishing it. Yep that still means I need a job, but while I am waiting and applying and waiting and applying, applying, applying, I can be doing something on the book. Can't explain why I feel compelled to do so now, I just am. I continue to work on me, but that's difficult to explain in writing.
Meanwhile, the journey continues . . . .