I'm always surprised to find that it's been weeks since I last posted. I do have a good excuse--or not. I have been editing.
I am quite surprised to learn that editing seems to take ten times as much time and effort as the original writing did.
I must once again praise my housemate who serves as my editor. She is gentle and kind and yet very direct. Did I mention she has taught English? She has helped to guide me as I cut pages and expanded ideas that were not completely fleshed out.
I must also say that God has proved to be very cooperative in this process. I have not heard objections as I have cut dialog. (Most of which was not pertinent to the book.) God has also added dialog as needed as well. So, all in all--the editing process is much like our normal dialogs.
I have completed five chapters, some 57 pages. These pages are fully formatted and would be ready for the publisher.
I am currently working on Chapter 6 and hope to have it completed before the end of January. Please keep in mind as it is currently written it is 45 pages. Most likely it will get broken down into smaller chapters. We shall see.
I would like to think I'm working on the final draft of the book, but that is not realistic. But once this draft is completed. I will read through it all again to see if it flows properly. My editor will as well and we'll go from there.
Now as to my personal life. There are many who want to know if I am dating anyone. And while I could answer that it's none of your business, the simple truth is that I am not. I have concentrated on my personal growth and the editing of the book.
For the longest time, I didn't think it would be possible to live the intent of this book and have enough energy to devote to a relationship. I have come to rethink that. This has much to do with deep inner work I have done over the last few months. So I will tell you this: one of my intents for next year is to have a meaningful relationship.
That statement is far too short for all that it involves. I have not come up with the exact intent, as I haven't decided exactly what it is that I'm looking for. Much of my thought process has been about what I don't want. The one thing I have decided is that I would like the person to be a spiritual peer. I'll update this blog as I gain clarity on the matter.
Over Christmas I was able to visit my favorite redwood forest. It was a little cool--in the 50's and damp. I so love the connection I feel when visiting old forests.
Speaking of connection--if you have not seen the movie Avatar yet--I can't recommend it highly enough. I was very moved by it.
I have big plans for January and will announce them soon.
Meanwhile, the journey continues.