Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Process of the Book

I had lunch with a dear friend today during which I shared about writing this book I also shared how the process works. She thought it was interesting, and so I thought I would share it here.

There's actually two writings going on as I write this book. As you know, if you have been reading this blog, this book is written by God's suggestion.

In fact, I didn't think this book was starting when it started. I thought of it as a practice run at writing the book. Ok, so I had more than a little anxiety over actually starting the book. I was inspired instead to have a practice session and suddenly, I was writing the real book.

This whole idea of a practice book came up in a writing I was doing with God. As I found that so helpful, I have continued that writing. Now it's called Chapter Notes.

In this book process. I get an idea for the chapter title and some inspiration of where the chapter should go. If I get stumped, I then return to the Chapter Notes writing and have a short dialogue with God. In these Notes I might also discuss what I am including in the chapter and any problems I'm having emotionally with sharing my life experience.

My friend suggested it might be interesting to be able to read the Chapter Notes to see how the book was written. I don't know if I'll share them or not, but it is an idea for an appendix of some sort.

Chapter 3 is more detailed than 1 & 2 and I'm still working on it.

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