Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Many people ask me how the writing is going and I usually answer good. When I am writing the communication flows smoothly and as yesterday's excerpt demonstrates I often receive profound messages. The writing is going well.

That is the truth when I am writing. That is not the same with the book writing process. After I receive a writing the book writing process begins. First I type the writing into my computer. As necessary I may need to add an excerpt from a previous writing. Sometimes that's easy to find. Sometimes it's not. The same with finding the appropriate Conversations With God (CWG)quote that applies to the situation God and I are communicating about. After all of that happens, I then edit the writing or chapter (still not sure which it is.) After editing, I print it, edit again and print a final copy. I can have two days work from three hours of writing. Please understand this is not whining but an explanation of my wriitng process as well as an explanation of why I have felt overwhelmed. I have been struggling to make progress. Finally, this morning I decided to talk to God about it.

I read that writing to the dear friend who is mentioned in it. I asked her if I should share the writing here. Her response: "Yes, I think it would both demystify and mystify the process!" What a great answer! I have decided to share the writing in its entirity but it's far too long to post here. I have included a link to it in a sidebar titled From The Barn. Just click on it and off you'll go to the writing. It is a long writing -- some five typed pages. If you wish to read it, be forewarned, you will be scrolling down quite a bit.

Now, if you are reading this I need your help. I need your comments. Particularly about these two excerpts I have posted. You do not have to be agreement with them to be able to comment. I will post any serious comment verbatim. It takes some effort to post an excerpt and so I need to know if it's worth the effort. Do you enjoy them? Do you enjoy the conversation? The format of the writing? This is very critical to me as this is/will be the format of the book. And if it's not enjoyable, then perhaps it's time for me to pack it in and go home.

Making comments is pretty easy. Click on the word comments. Type your text. You don't have to have an account or sign in. It would be very nice if you added your name. Just a first name is fine and you don't need a URL. Just click on the circle beside name. Remember you have to click on plublish comment to post it. You can even just use annonymous but I will tell you know that I will not post an annonymous critical comment. If you know my personal email, it's okay to send your comments that way but I'll really like to encourage people to post their commetns.

Okay that's it. I have my work cut out for me as you'll see if you read the writing.

Thanks again for your support.


Anonymous said...

Read your last postings and at The Barn. Quite a conversation. I was going to post some observations but "Somebody" beat me to it, and I think He retaught you a few things that you have forgotten. What I have read in these last postings reassures me that you have received some very good lessons. What you are struggling with now is minor to what you have been through in the past, and you only need to think and you will know it is true. So Think!! Stop worrying!!! Do what you went to Oregon to do!! Rely on who you are writing this book for, you and God and a lot of other people who may someday rely on your wisdom thru God.
Goodnight MGKYITPOHH!!
Love Auntie

Anonymous said...

Rick, what a day! what a writing! wow!! I enjoyed it. I feel it was a very needed conversation , and I agree with mom. catch ya later. gene