Friday, April 24, 2009

Only a Man Living Alone Can Appreciate

Only a man living alone can appreciate taking the time to grill a hamburger to perfection and arranging the the fixin's until it's piled high and then being able to take as big of bite as he wants and not having to care if it drips and stains his shirt.

Only a man living alone can appreciate the disappointment that no one notices he's drinking out of the bottle. It's just not fun any more.

In more interesting news I have at least seven humming birds feeding at my feeder. I'm seen as many as five feeding at one time with another two hovering around. This feeder hangs just above the table on my porch. I often sit there to write/type and they don't seem to mind unless I move suddenly. Am trying to get a picture of them, but you can imagine how difficult that is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot, you seem to forget that I have known you all your life and their have been many occasions when I have seen you doing just what you discribed, eating a big fat hamburger and drinking out of bottle or can. Sorry to shatter your illusions. LOL!!! Love Auntie. I couldn't let that one pass.