It may seem that I have been goofing off too much. Photos of humming birds, trips to visit relatives and pictures posted of a close encounter. It's been awhile since I made a progress report. So, let see if I can get off the hook. (Or convince you I haven't been playing hooky.)
Before I went to Santa Rosa last weekend, I had 43 pages typed of the new chapter. I had written enough in my notebook to add a couple of more pages when I typed it up. As I sat down to write yesterday, it had been 10 days since I had last written. I just finished typing all of that up and now have 53 pages completed. In addition I have found several pertinent past writings and will be adding excerpts from them as well. I am sure this will push this chapter beyond 60 pages and maybe even 65 pages. And this chapter is not complete. Hopefully, this will prove that I haven't been goofing off. Or at the very least that I have chilled out about this book writing process.
And the latest news is that I have a new roommate. Make that barn mate. And not by choice. There is a small lizard here in Oregon called a fence lizard. It's just a bit bigger than a chameleon. He comes and goes from my foyer. The door to the main room is about an inch off the floor, so it could easily come on in. If it crawls over me in my sleep, you should be able to hear my scream in Iowa/Illinois.
Update on the humming birds. I definitely have at least a dozen now. Last night at dusk, I saw the the feeder was completed filled and there are ten spots available. There were still a couple of birds buzzing around. I continue to be fascinated by them and as you can imagine it is difficult to capture a picture of them all.
The Journey Continues.
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