"The beauty of facing life unprepared is tremendous. Then life has a newness, a youth; then life has a flow and freshness. Then life has so many surprises. And when life has so many surprises, boredom never settles in you."- Osho
My mind is full of thoughts this morning. I realize I haven't posted for some time and today I make three postings. It's just the way it is. The above quote came across my email this morning. It somewhat explains how we live as Harmonists. We are very in tune to the flow of life. We pay attention to synchronicity and what the universe is unfolding before us.
I thought the readers of this blog might like a report about how I am doing in regards to the re-balancing of myself--body, mind and spirit. I continue to go to water aerobics, nearly daily and many days twice daily.
I have applied for several jobs. Let's see, I applied for a Personal Assistant position, a couple of voice over projects. I considering working as a shipment clerk at an Adult Internet site--where I would have had to pick Adult DVD's up from studios, deliver them to a warehouse, and then deliver the prepared shipments to the post office. No, I did not apply, just considered. Just didn't feel in balance with who I am at the moment.
I had a job interview yesterday as a housesitter. I would work mostly as a groundskeeper and then take care of their dogs when they were absent. In return I would live rent free in a cottage on their property. This place has to be seen to be believed. It's a couple of hours away from where I am presently staying. It's nearly at the top of a mountain about an hour north of San Diego. The view is stunning. There are others being interviewed and I will let you know if I get the job.
As I drove to the interview I thought if I got the above job that it would be nice to start to write again and to work on my book. Please understand this is just an inkling of a thought process. I do not believe now is the moment, but perhaps soon. This is progress, as I haven't much thought about it since arriving.
I continue to process and heal deep issues. It seems inappropriate to share the details here. What is important to know is that I am not idle in this regard, progress is being made.
So with report, I can once again say . . . the journey continues.