So I know readers of this blog want to know if I met another tree that talked to me. And the answer is yes. Several. Several more than several. The energy of this forest overwhelmed me when I first arrived--I got lightheaded and was glad I had my walking stick with me. I soon adjusted as met several trees I would have loved to have communed with but there were the damned aforementioned signs, so was unable to.
As the three of us walked in the forest in the midst of this Sunday crowd, we agreed that there should be a Silent Sunday. We listened to people talk about the forest but seem to miss the experience we were having. We found ourselves speaking softly, almost whispering. There were stairs to the right that the main crowd was not taking--and so we elected to do so. Even with the stairs, the trail was great!
One of the group found this great group of greats to commune with and invited us to joy her. Three or four of the group were burnt out, much as Brother Tree is.
This group of trees was very interesting in that they seemed to be connecting their energy to each other. Sitting in the center was a very loving experience. (I don't know if I have told you before that a tree's energy is very gentle and loving. Much like body temperature water flowing over you. Multiply this by the number of trees and with a factor of the age of the trees and you start to understand the intensity of this gentle love.) So we sat in the center of these trees and just soaked in the loving energy. It is easy to feel at one with the trees. I sincerely wish that everyone could experience trees the way I do. In fact, I propose that you can--if you get quiet enough to feel the tree's energy. I took the lower photo while I sat communing with the trees. Click on it to enlarge it and you might be able to feel what it felt like to sit in the center of them.
I asked the burned out tree if it knew Brother Tree. He responded that he was his Brother--in spirit. He spoke of knowing of my healing of Brother Tree. I tried to explain it was not me but my friend who had healed, but he pushed me off, he shushed me and told me that he knew what I had done. He went on to say "Now, let us heal you." With that I could feel a warmth come over me and I just sat and soaked it up. How does one respond to such a thing? With gratitude, with a gentle and loving gratitude.
I will conclude this post with an observation. As I walked in the forest I became aware that the trees were in need of love. They had not been loved enough. I know that seems impossible considering how crowed the forest was. There is a difference between being looked at or even appreciated it and being loved. I hope that the next time you visit a forest that you might remember that the trees are living things, that they indeed do have feelings and while you don't have to hug a tree for it to feel your love, perhaps you can remember the gentle and loving touch of a beloved grandmother and remember the tree feels your touch and your love.
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