Sunday, April 18, 2010

I continue to be amazed

Even after six years of being able to talk to God, I continue to be amazed by the process. I have received hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of communication; yet I am still left in awe.

Over the last couple of days I have been typing my latest writing. I hope to be able to post it in the near future. I usually write using pen and ink. As I have shared before, I love the sound of the pen scratching upon the page. And there is still a scratch even though I am using a gel ink pen. This present writing took me several hours to receive and is 15 pages (7 pages front and back + 1).

Yet I am finding that as I am typing it, the communication continues. Sometimes I am adding a sentence of my own but more often than not, it is God who is expanding on his previously shared thought.

It's an amazing process. And I sometimes worry about it.

Those of you who really know me will not be surprised that I tend to be a worry wart. Usually over some inane detail that no one else cares about. Let me explain my present worry.

I realize it is difficult for some to believe that I am truly talking to God. The God that appears in most of my writings is not the God that we grew up with at Sunday School. The God that I communicate with is very loving and understanding and seems to be much better at understanding the human condition and the experience we call life. These communications have brought me great understanding and have strengthened my faith.

I do my very best to share these writings verbatim. I openly admit that these communications often come rapid fire and that I am taking dictation as fast as I can. Because of this the writings are not always grammatically correct. I try to correct this when I type them.

Now comes writings like this one, when I am not only editing them for grammar, but God is adding dialogue. I fear that if someone were to read the handwritten version and the typed version that it appears that I am putting words in God's mouth.

In the past, I dealt with this issue rather severely. I destroyed my handwritten notebooks. I felt guilty about doing so and can't bring myself to do so again. Yet I worry.

So instead, I have tried to more frequently share the details of this process. I know there are others who receive communications in a like manner from angels or from God or both. They ,I am sure, will understand what I am speaking about in these paragraphs.

Still, all in all, this process leaves me in awe. The words come to me an instant before I write them. I then write my side of the dialogue and once again receive a response. And so it goes as I write within my journal.

I am now finding that the same thing is happening as I type these writings. More communication comes. Often explaining or expanding upon a thought.

Whether in the pen and ink process or the keyboard process I am truly blessed to receive these communications. I openly admit that I am very good at doing so. That is simply because of practice. As I said before, I have received hundreds of pages.

One final thought. One that I have repeatedly shared. There is nothing that I do that anyone else could not also do if they would simply listen. With practice, anyone can receive the hundreds of pages that I do.

Just try it. I dare you.


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