During my visit to Illinois in May I learned that my younger sister was seriously ill. She was having trouble with her bladder and her bowels. At one point they thought it might be cancer or MS or another neurological disorder.
The final diagnosis was that she has a cyst on her spinal column that is putting pressure on the nerve system to her lower regions. The shutting down of her organs was due to this. Or so they think. They scheduled surgery nearly immediately.
During surgery they would remove two vertebrae, drain the quarter sized cyst, put the vertebrae back, fusing them together, and then rehabilitate her. She would have to learn to walk again. Success rate: 1% permanent paralysis below the waist, 6% other complications, 93% success. Even with this, there is no guarantee that the problem with her organs would correct itself.
I decided to come back for the surgery. I returned the Wednesday after my Jean Houston weekend. I had come home for two weeks and then returned to Illinois.
It ended up there were complications in her pre-op testing, and surgery was delayed. I had planned for this, extending my stay for 3 weeks, returning June 15th.
Further testing cleared her for surgery ------- for June 21st. It was decided the surgery requires two neurosurgeons and one of them was not available until the 21st.
Unfortunately, I have another retreat scheduled for June 18-21, and it is necessary for me to return to California. My sister understands my decision to return and we both feel my visit has been worthwhile. I have significantly worked with her to prepare her for surgery. The process itself will remain private for now but I will share that I worked to remove her fear and help her to be at peace before going into surgery.
If you are reading this, and I was unable to visit with you during this trip, please know that I have meant no disrespect, but that my attention was elsewhere.
Blessings upon you all.
When you wear something it is spelled wear, not WHERE!!!You never were a good speller!!!
Correction needed! Love Auntie
When you dress in some article of clothing it is spelled WEAR, not Where. You never were a good speller!!! Correction needed!
Love Auntie
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