It is time that I fessed up to all that I am, even as I know that I may well be ridiculed for doing so. It takes great personal courage for me to say this.
I am a prophet.
Some of you may have known of this before or read my posting about this. The simple truth is that I have had prophetic abilities for quite some time. I have not openly admitted to this in fear of ridicule.
Yet it remains that I have helped many, many people with my prophetic readings. I have aided many in their soul's next evolution. It has now come time for me to offer my services to the general public instead of just my spiritual peers.
From this point forward this blog will include a link to my website where I speak about my prophetic readings and where I do offer my services. http://richardtheprophet.rwdickson.com/
To my detractors: Let me reassure you that I have not gone off on some deep end while here in California. While I was extremely discrete about it, I had this ability while I lived in Illinois, working as a lab tech in a chemical plant. I just never spoke about it openly, but only amongst my spiritual peers.
I understand that you may not fully appreciate the truth of what I am sharing with you. I have not always understood it either, but I DO KNOW it is a God-given ability and that I can no longer hide my talent under a basket. It is part of my spirituality and my deep devotion to God. I ask that you respect it as such.
If you feel there is a need for answers in your life, I would be glad to be of service.
And regardless of if you believe in my prophetic abilities or ever choose to take advantage of them, I offer you my blessing:
May God bless you along your path to deeper understanding of self, of love, of life and of God.
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