As of late, I have been driven--absolutely driven to work on the book. I haven't felt like this since I wrote the book while in Oregon. I'm not sure if I felt this driven even then.
Interestingly enough my current work has not involved the actual book, but in gaining the proper perspective to edit the next section of the book. I have been surprised at how driven I have been as Spirit directs this process. Let give you an example of just how driven.
Hopefully, some of you have been readings my Facebook posts along with these blog posts. If so, you will know I was granted a scholarship to attend Jean Houston's Mystery School workshop last weekend. It was a huge blessing, and I had several profound experiences while there.
I like to arrive rested for the weekend and as it is a six hour drive I drove up a day early. I was able to have dinner and spend overnight with a dear and beloved friend.
This dear friend introduced me to Brother Tree, who many of you know is very special to me. I have communicated and communed with this tree. As I had not seen Brother Tree since last October prior to returning to Illinois to be in a committed relationship, I had planned to do so on Friday morning before making my way to Mystery School.
As I drove up Interstate 5, I mused over my upcoming visit with Brother Tree. I wondered if my friend would be able to join me, if I would go alone, how I might spend my time with Brother Tree, what I would like to talk to him about, etc. Spirit then spoke to me. "It would be better if you spent time working."
I was shocked. I always enjoy my time with Brother Tree and am always renewed, refreshed from the experience. Spirit was not telling me I couldn't go, but that my time would be better spent working.
As I continued my musing, I was shown how much time I had taken off for the Mystery School, how much I was not getting done by attending. I was also shown it would be better if I went home directly after Mystery School finished on Sunday afternoon instead of lingering as I usually do. I was shown I should not linger and return on Monday as I had planned. I was told, "You have work to do on Monday."
As Spirit is directing this editing process, I acquiesced. I did not go to see Brother Tree. Instead I went to the IONS center and set in the sun and continued a writing I had been working on.
On Sunday, I returned to my home in Chatsworth. I woke up early, made my way to the local Panera's and sat and transcribed my last two writings. I had over five notebooks of writings to transcribe. Pre-relationship and post-relationship writings along with current writings. That work completed yesterday.
I believe I have gained the proper perspective to edit the next chapters of the book which are on sexuality and spirituality. But first, I must review all that has been previously edited.
With red pen in hand . . . the work continues . . . I am driven to an unknown deadline . . . as the journey continues.
And yes, Spirit knew I was taking time to write this post.
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