Monday, March 07, 2011

Carving Out Chapters

When I first received/wrote my book, it contained only 7 chapters. The last two chapters were both over 90 pages. The most difficult part of editing has been carving these into smaller, more manageable chapters. Ten to fifteen pages seems to be about the ideal size.

I have reviewed the first six chapters I had previously edited and am satisfied with them.

Last week I was able to dramatically, yet judiciously, edit Chapter 7 A Timeless Love.   I had previously worked on this chapter, but I like this version better.

This last weekend, I was able to work with material I had not previously edited, and have carved out two more chapters.

God has been very active in this editing process including titling these two chapters.  Chapter 8:  Unrighteousness and the Spiritual Leader and Chapter 9: Wife, Girlfriend, and Guilt.  These are still working titles, but certainly catch one's attention.

I had several wonderful phone calls this weekend.  I heard from some of my old co-workers.  One of who asked if I was going to retire my car.  Pun intended.  Re-tire my car.  So to answer, I did not put new tires on, but did get the tire repaired. 

Hopefully I will get a tax return to fund new tires.  Meanwhile donations are graciously accepted.  Put your name, address and phone number on the back of a hundred dollar bill and send it to me, and you can be the proud sponsor of one the tires.  Such fun we're having.

The journey continues. . .  Blessings to all.

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