Saturday, September 03, 2011

Something New, something Blue

Since returning from my visit back to the Midwest, I have been house-sitting.  Something new for me is the responsibility to walk the dog twice a day.  Most days we walk along this trail.  These photos are taken in the early morning before the marine layer and fog has burned off.   On average we take a 30 minute walk.  Yep, me exercising--twice a day!  That certainly is something new for me.  And the dog's name is Blue.  He's just about the coolest dog ever!

As to the rest of my life, the third and the final draft of my book has commenced.  I haven't got to the tough part yet but I have skimmed off a 1,000 words.

This housesit is complete next Tuesday and I'll linger here in the Monterey area for a couple more days before traveling up the Marysville to visit friends.

 Blessings to all!

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