Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A month?????

Wow, it's been over a month since I posted.

I didn't even edit Chapter 10 until last week. I have done a couple additional writings about the delay in the book, but they are basically the same message as I have previoulsy posted. "Everything is perfect. "

I did finally post excerpts from Chapter 9 and 10.

Trying to decided on what excerpt to use was particularly difficult for Chapter 9. This episode was the most emotional of my cancer experience. I have shared it with very few people. And was rather reluctant to do so in this book. But God felt it was significant to do so.

I do talk with God within Chapter Notes. These are the discussion we have about the chapters and my life. There are over 35 pages of dialogue within them and they will eventually be included as an appendix in the book. This is an excerpt from last Friday:

God's Voice is in this color.

No, not really. Even as life has not been as I might have predicted, I do know that it is perfect. Peace and harmony is the result of that knowledge.

So while we are discussing what you know, do you know that your current book is processing in perfection?


Good. Why do I think there is “but” attached to that yes?

You know me well.

Indeed I do.

Yes, I know the book unfolds in perfection, BUT I am anxious to move on with it.

I KNOW you are, just as I also KNOW you will ALLOW it to unfold in perfection.

Yes, there is no doubt in my mind. When it unfolds in perfection, the chapters just flow from my fingertips to the keyboard. There is no use trying to force it.

I wish you could apply that same knowledge to ALL of your life. Allow it to unfold, don’t force it. Observe it, appreciate it, but at all times allow it unfold. Therein lies the peace and harmony.

I am coming to realize that.

With each day of experience comes a bit more of allowing on your part.

I would like to think so.

It is true.

And I’m coming to realize that allowing is much easier.

Certainly much easier than trying to “force” it to happen.


So, please allow yourself to make the adjustments to body, mind and spirit that are currently your experience.

Can I ask if we will return the book process soon?

Prior to making the move west, you will once again engage in writing a few more chapters in the current book. Do not look to complete that book prior to move. It may happen, it may not, but trying to force it to completion will only bring about a lousy book that will have to be rewritten. You would better off using that energy to make the necessary adjustments to your body, mind and spirit than forcing a book that would have to be reworked. Please, just allow it to unfold.

As you wish.

So, that's what's been going on for me. I will kept you posted as this book process continues to unfold. Thank you for you love and support.

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