Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Journey Continues

Quail Springs - Joshua Tree National Park

A few weeks ago I proudly announced I had finished the second draft of my book.  Some 300+ pages and 145,000.  I think I may have announced I wanted to cut 30,000-40,000 words from the text.  Since then I had a interesting discussion with God.  These occurred over three days and were like none other I had experienced.  The bottom line of which is the book needs a major re-write.  That's how God describes it to me.  Seems He didn't like the description of a vicious or drastic edit.  A major re-write somehow sounds better.
And while I like to think I have a very good connection with the Divine, it seems I am not fully prepared for this work.  I have been spending time becoming even more centered, more grounded and more connected.  I even got up the other day before dawn and went off to the park.  After sunrise, I spent a few minutes writing here in Quail Springs.   What a beautiful place!  As this is the desert it is best to visit in early morning.
Those who have never written a book have been amazed by the process, as I have been.  All I can say, is the journey continues.