Monday, July 06, 2009

It's not a secret

My last post indicated that I was editing my last chapter which I did complete. The truth is that I have received the last words, and the book is basically complete. This is the first draft and it is not ready for a publisher yet, but neither do I need to remain in Oregon. I had a dear friend ask if this was a secret and why it wasn't posted on my blog. And I realized she had a point, this information is not a secret. But she had another observation as well. I am on the left side of the country to do the creative portion of the book and am moving back east to do the editing or the critical portion . Which corresponds with using the left/right part of the brain. Although I am just moving to back to the Midwest, I liked her observation.
This picture is of the Rogue River Gorge that I visited week before last. I left Oregon as of July 1st. I spent a couple of days in Santa Rosa visiting my cousins and then a couple of days with a dear friend in San Leandro. We went to visit the redwoods again which is always a mystical experience for me.
And today, I am in Coalville, Utah just east of Salt Lake City.
The Journey continues.
Oh, and would you like to know the last words I received from God . . . they were "And I love you."
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