Sunday, October 09, 2011

My Wandering Path

I began this third edit when I was taking care of Blue.  This edit has taken me on a wondering path, and at times the path has felt uphill and the end was off in the distance. This photo seems to exemplify that.

I would like to think the end is in sight, but I have no idea when it will come.  I am diligently working on this draft and much has been accomplished.  The Introduction has become the first chapter and I need to write a new Introduction.  I have cut 25,000 words.  Chapter after chapter lay in the waste.  I love my words--don't all writers?--but these words needed to go and the book is improved by it.  Oh, and the end will have be rewritten.

I have finished entering all these red-ink edits into the computer.  It's time to print out another edited version, and start again.  I just seem to work better using hard copy.  I still have a goal of having it ready for a publisher or to self publish by the first of the year.

For today, I'm celebrating having cut 25,000 words.  It's down to 120,000 words.  Now maybe I can cut another 5-10,000.  Dare I dream of 20,000?

Blessings to all who continue to hold me, and this book, in their thoughts and prayers.

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