Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reality Spirituality

I hesitated to post this as I was afraid it would be misinterpreted.

This Journey of the Heart to Oregon has been unbelievable. I have dreamed of coming here to write and here I am! When I am writing in my notebook, I often wonder if this is real or if I am still dreaming. This experience is the single most satisfying thing I have done in my life. It’s far from easy. The book writing process is harder than I thought it would be. The writing/receiving is as easy as it has ever been. I then have to type it, find and add excerpts, print and edit what I have produced and then do it again, continuing where I left off. This is repeated until the chapter/discussion is completed. In the past I would just write page after page and then type it. Similar—but different.

Every once in awhile reality slips into this dream. Like when I pay bills. I was doing just the day before yesterday. And was looking at my budget. I was a little surprised by what I found. I added up the bills and found I have $2,167 worth of obligations. After taxes, I receive $2,206 per month. Seems perfect, but it doesn’t include gas or food. Now, I guess this would be panicking most people, but I am calm. Truly calm. I continue to marvel at the synchronicity. I was aware I had been living on my savings, until they ran out. And then, my tax return arrived, and I’m living on that. I checked my savings and I think I have three months, four if I really skimp. I realize I might have to stop writing and get a job, which are hard to come by around here. Or maybe move back. I suppose I should worry, but I tell you I just can’t seem to work up the energy to do so. The other thought is I should hurry up and write. And I can’t seem to work up the energy for that either. The words come as they come—perfectly. Everything has worked out so far. I live in the moment and just do what I can do today. Tomorrow is for tomorrow. This is my Journey of the Heart. This IS Reality Spirituality.


Anonymous said...

You know my email and phone number.
Love Auntie

Anonymous said...

Rick, when I come out, I'll buy us a good supper and 2 bottles of fine wine. Ohh sounds so sinful!!! geno

geno said...

Rick , when I come out I'll buy us a good supper and a fine bottle of wine and maybe a cigar!! OHH sounds so sinful! GENO