Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning was a gorgeous day here. My landlords were gone, so I was spending time with their dog, Peaches. She kind of mopes when she is alone, so we spent the morning and early afternoon out on the back deck. I was writing and she was snoozing. It was a good day. Prior to coming out I had printed off the final edit of the latest chapter. Forty-eight pages which doubles my output to ninety-two. I imagine that I need 300 or 400 pages, but will not know until it's finished. Meanwhile I am working on the next chapter. Peaches thought it was a good day too -- the landlords returned from their weekend trip.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear to goodness, that place looks to good to be true, when you fall into something you come out smellin'like a rose. You've got more luck then sense. Glad writing is going well. Be good to yourself.MTGLTALTY!!! as he already has.
Love Auntie