Monday, March 01, 2010


Over the next several days you are going to notice some changes in this blog. I attended the first session Jean Houston's Mystery School over the weekend. It was a phenomenal experience. I will be writing and blogging about that over the next week or so.

Meanwhile, I am making/have made many changes in my life. This blog will reflect those changes.

I have added links to the Mystery School as well created a new blog that will record my thoughts during daily meditation/reflection.

The biggest change is ironically the smallest to notice on this blog. My name. Most of you, if not all of you, who are reading this know me as Rick. There are a few who read this who know me as Ricky. If you have used these nicknames for years and decades it may be difficult for you to think of me in any other way. I will honor your habit, but know that I will no longer use it when introducing myself.

Using my given name is a reflection of the changes deep within myself. These changes started back in October, so this is not a sudden decision. Choosing to use Richard honors both the changes and who I feel I now am.

I am not being pretentious--I am being authentic. And please don't leap to the conclusion that I am taking myself too seriously; for if anything, I haven't taken myself seriously enough. I DO take myself seriously and have serious work to accomplish.

While at the workshop, I took some great pictures of the green hills near Petaluma, California. Spring is already here. The redbud trees, fruit trees, and tulip trees have all bloomed. I know my beloved friends and family are still experiencing snow, and I am sending this small breath of spring your way.

Spring--a time of new birth, new beginnings--I felt much the same--as I continue to spiritually evolve. The more I evolve the more I love myself, the more I love you, the more I love God.

Meanwhile the journey continues . . . .

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