Sunday, February 01, 2009

It was perfect.

First Day of Retirement! Hooray! I was concerned that I would be very emotional at my retirement party. And I was for a bit. I had a small party for my intimate friends in my room prior to the party. These are the people who deeply touch my heart. And leaving them is difficult. I greatly appreciate they being in my life, expressing that was a bit emotional.

The party was great, I would even say perfect. It was good to see my co-workers in this atmosphere. The facility did a great job and the decor was perfect. As was the food. And there were kind and loving words said by many people. I have not often spoken of my spiritual side with my co-workers. It was nice to receive so much interest and support. And there was lots of hugging and that's always nice.

I shared these words: Many people think that I must be out of my mind to retire at this time and move to Oregon to write a book. And they are absolutely correct. I am out of my mind. For the last several years,I have worked to get out of my mind and into my heart. I live from my heart. It's not always easy, but it's always interesting.

My blessing to everyone there and to everyone reading this: May you too learn to live from your heart. Get out of your mind and into your heart.

And now I continue my Journey of the Heart.

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