Monday, March 09, 2009

An Excerpt

From time to time I will post an excerpt of what I am receiving/writing. We had been discussing that I do not love my father.

My comments are in this color and God's responses are in this color.

What I am left with is a feeling that is more powerful than love.

More powerful than love? There is nothing more powerful than love.

I don’t want to argue with God. Scratch that. I do want to differ with you. There is a feeling, an emotion, greater in power than love. Gratitude.

I’m not talking about the kind of gratitude that causes you to say “thank you.” I’m not talking about the kind of gratitude that makes you grateful for your job, the roof over your head or food upon the table. I’m talking about the kind of gratitude that fills your whole being, that warms your entire being – that warms you down to your very soul. That is the expression that everyone understands, but for me it happens in reverse. I am grateful at a soul level and it fills me, fills my very being with warmth. It is so powerful that it heals. It is a gratitude that I usually reserve for God – for you.

I am humbled by your gratitude, by your love for me. (Soft, quiet reverent voice.) I am warmed by it. As you have described it, I will agree with you – gratitude is more powerful than love. Thank you. Thank you for sharing this with me. With us.

I am not sure it is possible to humble God.

It is if I wish to experience it. As you expressed it, I felt it. I can only say that you touched my soul. Saying that you humbled me expresses the moment perfectly. And you say this is the feeling you hold for your father?

It is beyond love. It is gratitude at soul to soul level. I know you wish to discuss why I have not forgotten if I have forgiven at such a level but I would – with your permission – like to point out something.

Please do. We are nearly finished with this writing and will be moving to what we have previously written. What do you wish to point out?

Earlier I said, “I’m talking about the kind of gratitude that fills your whole being, that warms your entire being – that warms you down to your very soul.” Notice that it says it fills my whole being. It is possible to see that events that I have shared as emotional wounds that left me less than whole. I have seen them as such but I also see them as what have made me the man I am – the loving man that I am today. I am not a wounded man – I am a whole man that is filled with gratitude for these events that have formed my life. I accept the perfection of my life.

That paragraph sums up how you can be at peace and harmony for the pain in your life.

I welcome you comments. Just click on the word comments below the posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just a quick question...
If God was touched to his soul, that would suppose that God had a soul, hence there could be someone greater than God that gave him a soul. But, isn't God at the top of the food chain?