Friday, March 20, 2009


I have become much more of a environmentalist than when I lived in the Midwest. I have become more conscious of my impact upon the earth. I have begun to recycle. It is much easier to do so on this side of the country.

I recently bought three 4G flash drives at Costco for $35. That was good price. A very good price. When I got home I unwrapped them and that's when it struck me. The packaging. The flash drives were wrapped in 8.5 x 11 inch plastic. It served no purpose other than to keep the drives from ripped off. Two minutes. That was it's usefulness. I had to put it the trash as it was not recyclable.

I have a cousin who teaches about building green. She's quite the environmentalist. She sent me this link about The Story of Stuff. It was both entertaining and educational. It hasn't turned me into a strap-myself-around-a-tree-in-front-of-the-bulldozers kind of environmentalist. It has caused me to be more conscious of my choices. I try to think twice when I go out to get more stuff. I hope you'll watch the story and join me in thinking twice about why you're buying more stuff. Better yet, I hope you'll send the link to other people, so they too can know The Story of Stuff.

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