Friday, March 27, 2009

I Am

From time to time, I am going to offer some explanation as to how I came to follow this path. It has taken great courage to follow this Journey of the Heart. This journey is an expansion of my relationship with God. It has taken great faith to come to Oregon to write a book with God. It has also taken knowing who I am.

I am a Messenger of God.
I am a Prophet.
I am a Spiritual Leader.

Some find that affirmation upsetting. They don't understand how I can say that. In fact they find it pretty gutsy. I would tend to agree with that assessment. These are not statements of my doingness but statements of my beingness. Conversations with God tells us that "the words 'I am' are extremely powerful. They are statements to the universe. Commands."

In last August of last year I held a lengthy dicussion with God about coming to Oregon to write this book. During that discussion I experienced a transformation. A powerful, dramatic, emotional transformation. This book stopped being part of my doingness and became part of my very being. It was here that the words "I am" were affirmed. It was in those moments that I absolutely knew that I was retiring and moving to Oregon. And now I'm here. Writing.

Today, I'm posting an explanation of how I can say: I am a Prophet on the From The Barn pages. Once again I encourage your comments and questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good. I know your writing so I understand most of what you wrote and you also know that I will question what I don't understand. Have you wrote this so most people can decipher what you have written? If they don't understand they will gain nothing from reading the book. Have you put this in the simplest way you can so ordinary people can learn from what you have written? Just asking a few questions to ease my mind.
Nitey Nite. Keep those fingers moving. MGKYITPOHH!!!!!!!
Love Auntie