Thursday, March 12, 2009

The List

If you took the time to read the writing From The Barn, then you know I have been given a list to accomplish. I have completed 1, 2, 3 and 6. Am working on 4. Have worked to relax as listed in 9. I will report when I have accomplished the others as I do so. Of course, for the time being, I will be writing with pen and ink instead of typing but I will report on how the transcribing goes.

Now, if you read the writing you may have learned I'm a perfectionist. If you know me personally, you may have already known this. Additionally in the writing, you learned that I set very high expectations on myself -- unrealistic expectations. As you learned, I felt I was struggling and on the verge of failure. For lots of different reasons. As I printed out the edited copy I realized that I had 44 pages! If I add the pages from Struggling, it's over 50! As of today I have been here two weeks -- and I have 44 pages completed. Realizing that really brought home how unrealistic I was being.

I'm really going to work to relax about this book process. I'll report on my progress on the list.

I'm going back to California to visit with family and friends for the weekend. Will be back on Tuesday. How's that for relaxing? The Journey continues.

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